In accordance with art. 12 and 14 of the European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), Slayer Blades S.r.l., as data protection controller, provides the relevant information to Users interacting within the SLAYER BLADES websites accessible through : as well as customers, suppliers and co-workers who communicate their own data during their commercial relation with the company.
The protection controller of data related to identified or identifiable people is Slayer Blades S.r.l., established in : Via Milano 37, 21040 Oggiona con S. Stefano (VA).
1. Typologies of acquired data
Navigation Data – log files
The information systems and the software procedures meant for the websites functioning acquire, during their normal use, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the internet communication protocols. They include: internet domain and IP protocol, browser type and the operating system of the utilized computer, date, time and permanence in the viewed site pages, the possible research engine through which one had access to the website.
They are data that are not captured to be associated to identified people, but in reason of their same nature, through the use of some processing and associations with third parties’ data, they may allow to identify the users. This data category might include: the IP addresses or the domain names of the computers used from the users who enter the website, the URI notification addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained as feedback, the numeric code displaying the response status from the server (successful or error etc..) and other parameters concerning the operational system and the user’s computer environment. These data are exclusively used to gain some anonymous statistic information on the website use and check about its correct functioning and they are cancelled right away after their processing. Slayer Blades S.r.l. may use the automatically acquired data in case of assessing the responsibility on supposed computer crimes causing harm to the website, for statistics purposes, to enhance the navigation and website contents. Except the use of these data for assessing the responsibility, the data will not persist for longer than 7 days.
Received personal data
The personal data acquired during the registration to the here above mentioned websites, while ordering products or during the reception of contact requests are anagraphic : first name, last name, fiscal code, address, e-mail address, telephone, fax, etc..
What are cookies
Cookies are small sized text strings which the websites visited by the users send to his terminal (usually to the browser), where they are memorized to be then transmitted to the same sites on the next visit of the same user. During the navigation of the website, the user’s may also receive on his terminal some cookies deriving from different sites or web servers (“third parties”), on which there may be some other elements (such as images, maps, sounds, specific links to other domain pages) present on the website that the same user is visiting.
Normally, the high number of cookies existing in the various users browsers and their wide temporal persistence are used for different purposes: execution of computer authentications, sessions monitoring, information memorization on specific configurations regarding the users accessing to the server etc…
Therefore, cookies can be split in two macro-categories: “technical” cookies and “profiling” cookies.
Technical Cookies
Technical cookies are those the use of which does not require the user’s consent. These cookies are essential to navigate in a website and to take advantage from all its functionalities. Without these cookies, being necessary, a website may not provide some services and functions, thus making navigation more difficult than it should be. Cookies of this typology are used also to memorize a user’s decision on the use of the cookie on the website.
This category includes also the performance cookies, at times called analytics cookie. They are cookies which collect information about the use a user makes of a website and which allow to improve the functioning. For example, the performance cookies show about the most frequently viewed pages, allow to undesrtand the most recurrent used schemes of a website, help to comprehend all the obstacles a user may encounter during the use and illustrates the effectiveness of the advertising published on site.
Technical cookies are essential and cannot be disabled by using the functions of this website. Generally cookies may be disabled in their own browser at any time.
Profiling cookies
Profiling cookies are meant to create profiles related to the user, aiming at sending advertisement in line with the preferences revealed while surfing the internet. Considering the particular invasiveness that such tools can have in the users’ private sphere, the European and Italian normative provides that the user needs to be properly informed on their utilization, by expressing his own valid consent.
This refers to art. 122 of the code, where it provides that “The data storage in the terminal equipment of a contractor or user or as well as the access to already archived information are allowed only when the contractor or user has expressed his own consent after being informed with the simplified procedures contained in the hereof article 13, comma 3’’ (Art. 122, comma 1 of the code).
Third Parties Cookies
he current website may also use cookies deriving from different sites and web servers (“third parties” cookies): this occurs when the site has elements such as images, maps, sounds and specific links to other domain web pages residing in different servers with respect to the requested page. In other words, these cookies are directly set by managers of different websites or servers with respect to the current one in use. Third parties cookies are also used to customize advertising according to the user’s interest and his exposure frequency to the message.
It is possible to share this information with other subjects, such as advertisers, who may use their cookies to collect some information on the activities carried out by users on the website. Advertisers might use these data to measure the effectiveness of their advertising. The use of these cookies needs the previous acquisition of the free informed consent of the user. These cookies are not directly controlled by the present website.
In order to withdraw the mentioned consent, it is necessary to refer to the third parties’ internet sites or to the following sites:
How to disable cookies from your browser
How to disable cookies from your browser
It is possible to manage cookies even through the browser settings. At any time you may accept, reject cookies or decide to set a notification before accepting any cookie on any visited website. The procedures to manage cookies differ according to the browser used. By accessing its guide section, you can find how to manage your settings. We inform you that the settings modification will have impacts only on that specific browser and pc and in order to align the behavior to other devices, the operation needs to be repeated on every browser. Furthermore, we remind you that disabling some cookies, may cause the website not to provide you with profiled services.
Where to find some further information about cookies
Personal data protection guarantor:
The present site is not responsible of the content of outside third parties websites which may or may not set cookies.
The present privacy policy may be subject to variations – also linked to the possible entry into force of new sector laws, the update or provision of new services or intervened technological innovations – motivation for which the user/visitor is invited to periodically consult this page.
2. Purpose of the data processing
Personal data are managed for purposes connected to the activities of Slayer Blades S.r.l., such as the archiving in its own database and the supply of information regarding the activities for :
- a) Products purchase. Nature of the contribution Obligatory. Legal Basis Contractual.
- b) Website registration request. Nature of the contribution Obligatory. Legal Basis Consensual.
- c) Receipt of a message sent through the form “Contact us”. During the filling out of the form, personal data will be requested (name and e-mail address), through which the user will then be identified in order to send a feedback to the provided e-mail address. Nature of the contribution Obligatory. Legal basis Consensual.
- d) Registration to newsletter service provided by Slayer Blades S.r.l.. Nature of the contribution: Optional. Legal basis Consensual.
To modify or remove personal data from the Slayer Blades database, it is necessary to send an e-mail to the following address:
3. Data Processing Mode
Personal data are subject of processing following the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparence.
Slayer Blades S.r.l. grant the privacy, integrity and availability of the data acquired, the non-visibility and non-accessibility to any access public area.
The data processing is carried out in automated form and/or manually, through the activity of purposely-appointed subjects, in compliance with the security processing as provided by art. 32 of the European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).
Slayer Blades S.r.l. predispose organizational and technological measures aiming at following such politics within the company in order to protect the collected data.
4. Communication and data transfer.
To pursue the above-mentioned objectives, the following subjects will process personal data:
- a) Subjects directly attributable to Slayer Blades S.r.l. :
- Tax Consultant
- Subjects providing services for the information system management used by Slayer Blades S.r.l. and telecommunication nets (Electronic mails included)
- Banks
- Employment Consultant
- b) Subjects non-directly attributable to Slayer Blades S.r.l.:
- Competent Courts
- Public Security Authority
- Third parties to whom the communication is compulsory by law
The personal data subject to the process will not be spread unless in the terms expressed in the hereof document, otherwise they may be communicated to other companies linked to Slayer Blades S.r.l., abroad in UE Countries in accordance with the terms expressed by Art. 45, comma 3 of the European Regulation 2016/670 (GDPR) in order to comply with the related contracts and purposes and the contact requests received by web and e-mail.
5. Retention Period
The collected personal data are contained in the company database and kept for the duration of the requested service, at the end of which, they will be erased or made anonymous within the terms established by law.
Whenever the data processing consent revocation occurs by the interested subject, the data will be canceled within 30 working days from the revocation receipt.
6. Subject Rights
The subject may assert the rights included in art. 15 (Right of Access by the Data Subject), in art. 16 (Right to Rectification), of art. 17 (Right to erasure, “Right to be forgotten”), in art. 18 (Right to restriction of processing), in art. 20 (Right to data portability) and art. 21 (Right to Object) of regulation 2016/679, by e-mailing the Data Controller at:, or by writing by post to: Slayer Blades S.r.l., Via Milano, 37; 21040 Oggiona con S. Stefano (VA).
The user has the right to propose a complaint to the personal data protection guarantor, by following the procedures and indications published in the authority official website
The exercise of the rights is not subject to any formal constraint and it is free.
Starting from the display of the present document, it is understood that the data processing consent of the here above points will be released.
7. Terms of use
The access to Slayer Blades S.r.l. websites implies the acceptance and application of the Italian law and the competency of the Italian courts.
The images, graphics, texts, data and logos existing in the information material and websites are Slayer Blades S.r.l. property or are legitimately used by the company upon authorization of their owner who may have predisposed some specific use restrictions.
As by the Italian law on the Author Right, neither the use for commercial or advertising campaigns, nor the publication of images, graphics, texts, data and brands deriving from the website information material shall be allowed without prior authorization of the same Slayer Blades s.r.l..
Any violation of the here above condition will give right to Slayer Blades S.r.l. to act in the competent courts to protect its rights.
In addition to this, we inform that Slayer Blades S.r.l. reserves the right to update the information in its own website without notice and owing anything to third parties.
Slayer Blades S.r.l.
Sede legale : Via Milano 37, 21040 Oggiona con Santo Stefano (VA) Italia
P.IVA: 00786200121
CF: 00786200121
Oggiona con Santo Stefano, May 24th 2018